Best PC Game


We are showcasing our final HD quality game play videos of our Best PC Game.

We have incorporated various feedback and comments from the community, our fans, gamers and critics and have added physics to the prince jump and created a new prince jump animation, improvised the camera movement and the art for level 4.

The AI is now more polished and there are hardly any “idle” moments in the game. Regarding the Audio, we have new background music for level 2 and added new effects while removing redundant ones.

We have submitted a version of this game to the IGF “Independent Games Festival” to be held at the GDC in San Francisco in 2010. We are the only indie game developer from India to do so.

We also made it to the front page of DNA newspaper – One of India’s largest newspapers Front Page Last Page.

We have created a Wikipedia page where we have explained our entire game development process.

Level 4 – Fantasy Level

Level 3- Palace Level

Level 2- Jungle Level

Team Zatun

Game Play Videos

Game Play Videos

Hi as promised, we are releasing 2 new game play videos of our XNA game. This game is a classic mix of Mario games and Prince of Persia games. The game play is very similar to the retro Mario games.

The prince Vraz is on a journey of his life in an epic adventure quest to win the Princess hand in marriage. This early video show cases the Interactive objects of the game.

Vraz, the Prince must embark on an epic adventure quest where he must journey through 15 exotic locations, avoid the tribal warlord Mani and battle with the evil lovelorn Vizier and his shrewd accomplices. He will also have to collect gold and keys, skillfully navigate dangerous traps, operate objects and find his way out of near impossible terrain.

Video1: level 3 game play video with AI and Interactive objects and collectibles

The video showcases level 1 game play with enemy AI (Artificial Intelligence), Interactive objects and real time prince interactions and updated art.

Video2: Interactive objects in-game footage

A video is showcasing a couple of interactive objects in game. The health has been disabled just for the video.


Team Zatun

Game Screenshots

Game Screenshots


I hope everyone is doing well.

Below are some of new video game screenshots of our new game. The game gallery showcases our enemies, main characters and the hero mentor.

The XBOX Game screenshots of this XBOX Live Indie game are similar and we will be adding the new game screenshots later on in the blog.

Check out our game gallery/game screenshots below and do let us know your suggestions for the video game screenshots of our new game.

Vraz the prince

Vraz - The Prince Video Game Screenshots

Vazier with plane

Vizier with plane


New Game Screenshots of Sadhu


We have finally started adding collectibles like coins, health, enemies, interactive objects, etc in the level.

The moving platform issues are now solved and they work perfectly. We even have a few surprises on the moving platforms.

All character animations are now approved and they look really cute and match well with the game. The AI algorithm is ready and now only has to be implemented in the game. We are still working on the interactive objects (there are tons of them in the game) and getting them ready to work seamlessly. The GUI and game concepts look promising and we are trying to make them stand out from any game you have previously seen.

I know a lot of you are waiting for our first playable demo and I really appreciate your support. We are working on the playable demo and can assure you it will be out soon.

First impression counts a lot and we know that. Our team is working hard to make sure that we can give you a game you would love to play for hours on end.

Thanks again,

Abhinav Chokhavatia

Team Zatun